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7 Water Conservation Tips

September 12, 2017

It should come as no surprise that we feel pretty passionate about water conservation here at In-House Plumbing. Of course, taking measures to save water saves you money by lowering…

Why Your Flooring Problem Might Not Be Plumbing Related

September 5, 2017

Sometimes a customer calls us because a flooring company told them they need an under slab sewer leak test. The flooring company saw or detected moisture before or after installing a…

Tank vs Tankless Water Heaters: Which Is Best?

August 22, 2017

Water heating accounts for almost 20% of your home’s total energy costs. So when it’s time to replace a tank water heater, you might be considering converting to a tankless water…

Do You Have Under Slab Fresh Water Leaks?

August 18, 2017

If you’ve noticed higher than normal water bills or your water pressure is suddenly not what it use it be, you might have a fresh water leak. Your fresh water line…

Should You Repair or Replace Cast Iron Sewer Pipes?

August 4, 2017

If you have a sewer leak or leaks under the concrete slab of your home’s foundation, it’s possible it could cause cracks in your walls or foundation, sloping floors, or more.…

Why Is There Water Pooling In My House (or Yard)?

July 12, 2017

Occasionally, customers call us here at In-House Plumbing worried about water pooling in their house on the floor or slab. There are many possible causes for this. But many are…

How to Find Under Slab Sewer Leaks

June 15, 2017

In our last post, we explained how we test your home’s sewer lines to determine if you have a leak or leaks in your sewer system. But how do we find out…

How To Tell If Your Sewer Pipe Is Leaking

June 6, 2017

As we said in our previous post: Sewer Camera Inspection: What It Can and Can’t Find, a plumber cannot perform a sewer camera inspection to determine if you have any leaks…

Sewer Camera Inspection: What It Can and Can’t Find

June 1, 2017

A sewer camera is a valuable tool to help determine if there’s a problem with your home’s sewer system. Maybe you noticed a nasty sewer gas odor. Or maybe your…


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Say goodbye to water or sewer leak issues, especially ones under your foundation, by putting our plumbing company to work for you. We offer timely, sensible solutions and restore peace of mind without significantly affecting your property or budget. Contact In-House Plumbing Company today to schedule an appointment.