PVC Sewer Pipe Repair
Your slab home doesn't offer a lot of options to seek out damaged sewer pipe or sewer leaks. If you live in an older home, most likely the plumbing of your home has been part of your house from the time it was built. Sewer leaks under your slab can impact the stability of your foundation and put you at risk of exposure to raw sewage under your house. Before you can get this repaired, you need to know exactly where the leak is so you can plan to make an accurate PVC pipe repair.

Testing for PVC Sewer Leaks
During hydrostatic sewer leak isolation, the flow of water through the waste lines in your house will be temporarily stopped at the clean out outside of your house. Technicians will run water until your sewer line is full, and then we choose a slab level water test observation point inside the home to allow us to observe water once the sewer lines are filled to slab level. If the water level doesn't drop, you don't have a water leak. If the water level does drop, you need to plan for PVC sewer pipe repair.
Once it's known that there's a leak somewhere under your house, the technicians will need to isolate it. They'll do this with an air bladder to block off certain sections of your sewer line and fill them with water.
By isolating sections of your sewer line and monitoring the water level in the sewer line, they can determine where the leak is and the best course of action to repair it.
PVC Sewer Leakage in your home
There can be several indicating factors that you may be dealing with a sewer leak under the slab of your home. Chasing down a leak that is located under your home’s foundation can be costly and frustrating. Additionally, if multiple leaks are found at several points, the final determination on your number of leaks may not be able to be determined until the first set of leaks is repaired. Finding sewer problems early saves you time and money. If you suspect that you may have a sewer leak, contact a professional. As a reputable plumbing contractor, In House Plumbing Company understands how pipes work and can diagnose your problem and offer you options for your needed repairs and give you the peace of mind that your home is protected at the end of the job.