Should you fix the foundation or replace the cast iron pipe first?

Home / Should you fix the foundation or replace the cast iron pipe first?

Do you have foundation problems and need cast iron pipe replacement? The question is should you fix the foundation or replace the cast iron pipe first? From an honest plumber’s perspective on this, you should fix the foundation first then fix the plumbing because anytime you lift or level a foundation it is always possible to break plumbing pipes. If you fix the plumbing, then the foundation you may need to fix the plumbing a second time.

However, there is another important thing to consider in these situations. It is possible the foundation problem is completely due to the plumbing problem and if you get the plumbing problem fixed it will solve the foundation problem as well. With this in mind, we cannot tell you the answer to this question, you need to consult an honest foundation repair contractor. Explain your situation and they are welcome to contact us as well if necessary. Go with what their recommendation is with one exception. If they tell you to fix the plumbing first with a plan of them fixing the foundation within a short amount of time (say 1 week to 3 months later) and with no additional evaluation of the foundation before they do the foundation work, you have the wrong foundation company and should get a new one. The issue is, if you are going to fix the plumbing first then you need to let the soil under the foundation dry out at least a minimum of 3 months, but many foundation repair companies suggest longer than that. After it has had time to dry, you need to have the foundation re-evaluated to see what might have changed since the plumbing was fixed, maybe that evaluation will show you can go forward, maybe they will say wait a little longer and again do another evaluation to see what changed, etc.

The real answer to this question depends on many different factors but the foundation contractor should make the final decision on this and you should trust that they are making that decision with your best interest in mind. Should you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact us at any time. If you are in need of cast iron pipe replacement, feel free to call us for a free estimate and ask if we have any current discounts.

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