Under Slab Sewer Leak Repair
In our opinion there are two ways to access a sewer leak under a concrete slab for repair:
In-House Plumbing Company prefers to tunnel from the outside to fix leaks when possible, as it is also cost effective. However, before we even begin digging up your home we can provide you with multiple options for repair upon request.
Once the leaks are exposed and the sewer repair is completed, a post repair plumbing sewer test of the entire system will be done to be sure there are no additional leaks. This test is very important to make sure our repair has been completed properly, there are (needs to be) no additional leaks close to our excavated area and there are no leaks anywhere else within the system. A no leak test must be achieved on the entire system before any dirt is put back into the excavated area.

If interior excavation through the walls or concrete slab is necessary we will not be responsible to reinstate any type of wallboards or flooring. Sometimes it is necessary to locate and repair one or more leaks then retest the sewer system to determine if there are any further leak(s). In these cases additional costs could apply for additional work.
It is important to note that as of late 2015 we do not recommend leak isolation or spot repair be performed on cast iron pipe replacement sewer systems. More and more we are seeing major problems with cast iron pipe under slab homes. Many of the houses we deal with have already had repairs done in the past and have multiple leaks when we locate. The truth is cast iron pipes in Garland TX was last installed over 30 years ago for residents throughout north Texas. Any repairs that are done to cast iron pipe will have to be redone or abandoned at some point in the likely near future when the pipe is ultimately replaced.
With this in mind, In-House Plumbing Company has decided not to locate or spot repair cast iron pipe any longer. Should you have questions or concerns about your sewer repair we would be more than happy to talk with you about your specific situation and try to help you make the right and best decision for you.
We don’t just rely on sewer cameras to isolate a leak
Once we identify the leak we can begin replacing the line
With our testing we can determine a leak without excavating